Sunday 1 July 2007

Winter Sonata (冬季恋歌)


- Bae Yong Jun (裴勇俊)
- Choi Ji Woo (崔智友)
- Park Yong Ha (补龙河)
- Park Sol Mi (朴率美)

Theme Song:

It starts with a girl named Yu Jin, a junior in a high school. While in a bus to school, she falls asleep and misses the stop. However, she meets the mysterious Joon Sang, a tranferred student who happens to be in the same school with her. Thus they share the same cab back to school. This encounter slowly develops into a close relationship which they skip class and play together. During New Year's Eve when they are about to exchange secrets with each other, Joon Sang invloves in an accident.
10 years later, Yu Jin is engaged to her childhood friend, Sang Hyuk. While on an assigment, she stumbles upon a Joon Sang look-alike, Lee Min Hyung. He claims that he has never been to Korea and is currently dating Che Lin, another childhood friend of Yu Jin who also likes Joon Sang.
When they later finds out that Min Hyung is indeed Joon Sang, who loses his memory after the accident, they reunites but their love is never blessed by their parents. Soon, they discover that they might be half siblings. Just when they plan to let each other go, the real truth reveals that Yu Jin is not her half sister but Sang Hyuk is his half brother. To make matter worse, Joon Sang knows that he'll die from a severe brain damage so he hides the truth and go separate ways with Yu Jin.
3 years passed and Yu Jin is back from France. While strollig, she sees a house that resembles her design. Out of curiosity, she steps in. She's surpised to see that Joon Sang is the owner of the house but he's already blind due to the surgery on his head. They finally get back together.

PhoEnix's Comments:
Nice songs, nice view but weak storyline.

PhoEnix's Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

(Kor audio, Eng sub)

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