Wednesday 2 May 2007

War and Beauty (金枝欲孽)


- Charmaine Sheh (佘诗曼)
- Sheren Tang (邓萃雯)
- Gigi Lai (黎姿)
- Maggie Cheung (张可颐)
- Moses Chan (陈豪)
- Bowie Lam (林保怡)

Theme Song:
Er Nv (儿女) - Bowie Lam

The plot illustrates the war and struggle between five women striving for power and survival in the dark, cold Forbidden Palace during the Qing Dynasty.

Yu Yuet (钮钴禄如玥) - She has been in the palace for many years and thus, posesses the skills of survival as mentioned by herself in one episode: "本宫没有什么厉害,最厉害就是斗"She was initially emperor's favourite concubine and the only one that is able to have the same power as the empress. But she fails to gain emperor's liking after she loses in a power struggle with the empress.
如鸿飞艳恰行天, 月润合德欢龙颜. 苦至玉环果前因, 含叹此姬遭残年. ~ 如妃

Yee Shun (董佳爾淳) - A poor lady. She is used by her adoptive father to gain power in the palace. She meets her sister but she doesn't know about it even after her sister sacrifices herself for saving her out of the palace.
尔君秀外慧中雅, 袭泉俏满群曼佳. 淳女系感往昔恩, 人生世在晚红霞. ~ 尔淳

Yuk Ying (侯佳玉瑩) - She's from an aristocratic Manchurian family but due to her mother is just a concubine, she and her mother are treated badly. Therefore, she enters palace to make her mother proud and to enhance her mother's status in the family.
玉色明眉皓齿颜, 莹晶透彻精粹面. 心似坦原直了明, 机关暗浸灵巧嵌. ~ 玉莹

On Sin (蘇完尼瓜爾佳安茜) - At first, she is just a palace maid who wishes to go back and live happily with her grandmother after her terms end. But after knowing that her grandmother was killed by the empress, she swears to take revenge by being one of emperor's favourite concubines.
茜柳随风入金幛, 雪树摇姿飘白菲. 冰花一现瞄彩散, 慧音潇俪叠红沛. ~ 安茜

The Empress (皇后) - She has always been in power struggle with Yu Yuet. She's willing to go any length to strengthen her status in the palace.

PhoEnix's Comments:
The best drama of the year and of many years to come. It manages to capture the struggles and helplessness of living in the palace. It also captures the the pathetic state of the women in that era with no power and no choices. You can't help but to sigh at the end of the show.

PhoEnix's Rating: *5 out of 5 stars*

(Cantonese audio, Chinese subtitle)

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